
All information disclosed by the client is completely confidential.
The only exceptions are those in which a therapist is required to
disclose information by law. This would include if the client is in
danger of harming him or herself or someone else, if any form of
child abuse is occurring or if subpoenaed by a court of law. Under
any other conditions information would only be disclosed with the
written consent of the client.

Written Records

I keep written records to keep track of our journey together.
They are covered by the above confidentiality clause and it is my
professional responsibility to strictly safeguard them. Should you
wish, you have the right to ask to view your records at any time.

Meeting in Public

If we meet in public I may acknowledge you with a smile and
nothing else. This is to protect your confidentiality. If you are
comfortable and want to come over to say, “Hi,” that is up to you.