SFU Sex Week

I have the opportunity to speak at the first annual SFU Sex Week: Taboo Talk. The last evening (tonight, Feb. 5) is called a conference and there look to be a number or interesting speakers. Here is the URL: https://www.facebook.com/events/809845689072315/?pnref=story

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Sexual Objectification

I was reading a review of the movie Magic Mike, a movie I must admit I have not seen, which discussed the question of whether the mainstream media was starting to cater more to women’s sexuality. Showing hot young men with glistening bodies does appear to be content directed at heterosexual women and gay men. […]

I spent all of the first week of May talking about sex!

The 1st week of this month I was fortunate enough to be involved with the Western Canadian Sexual Health conference. Having attended a number of these conferences in the past I knew what to expect. However, this time I was very involved as a member of the organizing committee and a facilitator of the pre-conference […]


Beginnings by their very nature are exciting and at the same time frightening. This tends to be true whether we’re talking about a new job, a new blog or a new relationship.

I’ve been thinking about beginnings and their significance while staring at the empty blog page of this website. What to say? What to […]

Welcome to my site!

Welcome to my site. I hope you will find some interesting content here. The blog is a place I hope to put some of my musings as well as things that might be of interest to others.

I always appreciate feedback so feel free to contact me through the Contact page.

Take care.

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